May 6, 2016 1:20 pm

12-year-old admitted at CWM hospital after Khalsa road accident

A 12-year-old student is currently admitted at the CWM hospital after he was hit by a taxi yesterday afternoon at Khalsa road in Nasinu.

In a statement Police Director Traffic SSP Mahesh Mishra said the incident has Police concerned as there were two events that took place which led to the accident.

MISHRA: “A taxi driven by a 50-year-old allegedly bumped the child after he suddenly ran across the road as he was being chased by a dog.”

SSP Mishra said it is alleged that the child was throwing stones at the dog that was inside its compound.

MISHRA: “We are therefore asking parents to speak to their children to refrain from doing such things especially when walking along any stretch of road. The initial report states the dog chased the child causing him to run onto the road where he was bumped by the taxi.”

“On the same note, we would like to request people to secure their pets so they are not able to cause any harm or threaten the safety of pedestrians, as this accident could have easily been avoided.”

SSP Mishra said the suspect will be questioned and released.