May 3, 2016 9:18 am

Students learn Korean culture

Ninety students from Suva and the Western division participated at the Korean Culture Week program at the Fiji Museum yesterday to have a better understanding and appreciation of the Korean culture.

Students learning martial arts at the Korean culture week held at the Fiji Musuem. (DEPFTO)
Students learning martial arts at the Korean culture week held at the Fiji Museum. (DEPFTO)

The Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts, Hon. Dr. Mahendra Reddy while opening the fourth Korean Culture and Language Programme said students will get the opportunity to experience Korean culture by learning basic Korean language, Taekwondo postures and Korean traditional musical instruments and K-pop dances.

REDDY: “This is a great opportunity for children during these school holidays to be transformed with new ideas and skills about the Korean culture and values. We have a special relationship with the Korean Government since 1971 when diplomatic ties by the Korean Government were established with the Fijian Government.”

Minister Reddy added that various assistance has been provided by the Korean Government towards the education sector in Fiji.

REDDY: “The Ministry of Education has been assisted by Korea through the provision of scholarships for graduate and postgraduate studies and some of our students are currently studying in Korea under those scholarships.”

Dr. Reddy said that educating Fijian students about Korean culture will give them an insight into the world around them and create curiosity for students to learn and explore various cultures around them.

The program was fully funded and organized by the Korean Embassy with the Fiji Museum.